Sunday, 19 May 2013

Protect yourself from cold's & flu's this Winter

I believe in Prevention rather than cure.

Especially as we start the colder season, we begin to be more prone to getting sick with colds & flu's.

It is essential that everyone has a powerful Probiotic.

Here is a small video which explains your GOOD & BAD Bacteria in your GUT and how PROBIOTICS work.

So now that you know more about How Probiotics work, I will explain more about a powerful probiotic from Herbalife called FloraFibre.

Herbalife's FloraFibre supports general well-being and contains 2 vital functions - the Friendly Bacteria & Fibre. By combining these 2 functions you have a proper balance of intestinal bacteria and the fibre keeps the digestive system in balance.

There are 4 key ingredients:
1. Lactobacillius Acidophilus - enhances the body's ability to control pathogenic micro-organisms, helps support the immune function and naturally improves bowel function.
2. Cellulose - a complex carbohydrate (dietary fibre). Helps with the elimination of waste from the digestive tract.
3. Psyllium seed husks - one of the richest sources of dietary fibre which helps treat ulcers, colitis and constipation.
4. Apple Pectin - a soluble fibre to help contribute to a well-balanced diet.

Florafibre comes in tablet form and does not need to be refrigerated. It has no calories and is taken with water. Take 1 to 2 tablets three times a day.

I know with myself after using Florafibre product for the last 7 years, my immune system is extremely strong. Before starting to use this product, I used to always get sick. My sickness would usually last between 4 to 7 days with medication. Now I don't usually get sick, but if I do, my sickness only last 24 hours, without any medication.

If you would like to know more on how to get Herbalife's Florafibre to protect you over winter and beyond, please contact me on 0405 644 551.

Your Wellness Coach, Romeo Milan

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