Tuesday 25 June 2013

Why being Vegetarian / Vegan is the way to go

I must admit 1 month ago I would have completely dismissed the idea of going Vegetarian, let alone going Vegan.

Though, I think we all need to have an open mind. We must be able to make choices based on facts and to be the healthiest you can be.

What is the Definition of being Vegetarian and Vegan?
Vegetarian is not eating any meat from red meat, poultry and seafood. Can still eat eggs and dairy.

Vegan is not eating anything derived from an animal.

So what has helped me make this choice? .... A few things but mainly a few documentaries on how animals are manufactured to cater for our needs. 

The first documentary I watched was, Earthlings. One word SHOCKING!

The second documentary I watched which really made me think, was this video called "Vegucated". 

Its really important to let you know that Its not about being an Animal Activist or Animal Equality. Its all about giving your body the best nutrition possible to live a healthy life.

After watching these videos, you realise that eating flesh from an animal is not the way to go to be healthy. Im not saying eating Animal flesh is not healthy, its the way that Animal flesh has come about and you can see from these documentaries that its not natural and not clean.

So I made a choice about a month ago to begin a journey where I will try to be as close to Vegan as possible. That means to be at least Vegetarian.

There is also a study, called the "The China Study" which shows that people who ate more plant based foods were less likely to get diseases like heart disease and some cancers. Here is another video about this study.

I think its taking Health to another level, though, if you really value your health, than making sure you eat CLEAN food is the best choice.

I can say that the last month has not been a big change, its just a choice to choose a healthier alternative. It has also encourage me to cook vegan meals which previously I wouldn't even think of cooking. I feel inspired and passionate about making sure my family gets healthy meals.

By changing to a Vegan or Vegetarian diet, combined with the healthiest nutrition in the world in Herbalife Nutrition and regular exercise I know I can live a Healthy & Active lifestyle.

Thursday 20 June 2013

Preventing Dysfunction

A few days ago I started reading a book called "health is Wealth". Written by Dr Louis Ignarro (Nobel Laureate in Medicine) & Dr Andrew Myers.

Just through the first few pages I got a WOW!.

"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest her or his patients in the care of the human frame, in a proper diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease" by Thomas Edison.

Through the opening pages, you begin to understand what the book is conveying and that is that disease, which is what society calls it,  is a mythology where people are led to believe that once they get a disease, they have to live with it and will need to take medication to handle the disease. There is also a perception that people cannot reverse disease.

The book goes on to define what "disease" is. Disease is actually a DYSFUNCTION. Its a dysfunction of the body which has led to a person showing symptoms.

Symptoms are then giving to a doctor and the doctor is trained to handle the symptoms usually through medication or a treatment.

People dont realise that this is a WARNING that the body is giving, indicating that this is a start of a dysfunction.

Doctors only treat the SYMPTOM and not the cause of the dysfunction.

The book then gives us a process or steps in how the body reaches this dysfunction.

Here are the steps:
1. Depletion, which is where the bodies cells are not getting the proper nutrition it needs in balance to operate at its optimum. In this step you will not get any signs and you may have depletion of certain nutrients for many years.

2. Deficiency occurs where there is chronic depletion of nutrition on the cellular level which starts to cause a breakdown of the bodies systems. Again, unless you look deep into the bodies system, you will not feel any signs or symptoms of this breakdown. Thus, this may take another 10 to 15 years.

3. Dysfunction begins when such significant cellular damage has occurred that you begin to show symptoms of this damage. Again this may take another 10 years.

Overall, you may not feel the symptoms or Dysfunction occur until your adult life.

It is really important to be aware of this process as many people think that when they start getting symptoms or begin to get sick, its has just occurred just recently. But in fact, its the process of not giving your body all the nutrition it needs over many years which has led to a person reaching a state of dysfunction or feeling the symptoms.

To explain this in detail, lets take an example of a person who has just had a Heart Attack.
The Heart attack which incurred a Symptom of chest pain and shortness of breath which has led to the heart attack. The process of a person reaching this stage has progressed over many years.

That person could be overweight, not having a healthy diet and may not be doing much exercise.

Through those many years of not giving the body the nutrients and activity it needs, it has caused that person to eventually have a Heart Dysfunction.

The same situation occurs when a person incurs osteoporosis. Over time by not giving the bones the nutrition it needs, the bones vitamin D and calcium levels have become depleted, then deficient and eventually dysfunctional in the form of Osteoporosis.

Its really important to understand this process as i think society, most doctors and health professional do not realise this. Its a fact that a majority of doctors don't study nutrition at university level. They study Symptoms and treatment of symptoms.

Its also very important to understand, and the book states this, that there is absolutely no way you could give the cells of your body all the nutrition it needs in balance.

The book also states the body can reverse this dysfunction through complete balanced nutrition. In other words being able to locate the deficient nutrients and to supplement. Over time the bodies cells are able to repair and thus the bodies dysfunction is eradicated and the human body begins to operate at its optimum. Though you must be aware that this process may take time depending on the state of dysfunction.

I feel that I am blessed to have found an amazing company, Herbalife, which supplies the human body with natural and complete balanced nutrition on the cellular level. By combining a healthy diet, with regular exercise and the Herbalife nutrition, you will be able to live a healthy and active lifestyle. Plus, doing this will give you and your body the BEST chance possible to be free from disease.

Further I feel blessed that I am able to convey this message to as many people that are open to understand and listen

For more information on "Health is Wealth" visit http://healthiswealth.net/

Sunday 19 May 2013

Protect yourself from cold's & flu's this Winter

I believe in Prevention rather than cure.

Especially as we start the colder season, we begin to be more prone to getting sick with colds & flu's.

It is essential that everyone has a powerful Probiotic.

Here is a small video which explains your GOOD & BAD Bacteria in your GUT and how PROBIOTICS work.

So now that you know more about How Probiotics work, I will explain more about a powerful probiotic from Herbalife called FloraFibre.

Herbalife's FloraFibre supports general well-being and contains 2 vital functions - the Friendly Bacteria & Fibre. By combining these 2 functions you have a proper balance of intestinal bacteria and the fibre keeps the digestive system in balance.

There are 4 key ingredients:
1. Lactobacillius Acidophilus - enhances the body's ability to control pathogenic micro-organisms, helps support the immune function and naturally improves bowel function.
2. Cellulose - a complex carbohydrate (dietary fibre). Helps with the elimination of waste from the digestive tract.
3. Psyllium seed husks - one of the richest sources of dietary fibre which helps treat ulcers, colitis and constipation.
4. Apple Pectin - a soluble fibre to help contribute to a well-balanced diet.

Florafibre comes in tablet form and does not need to be refrigerated. It has no calories and is taken with water. Take 1 to 2 tablets three times a day.

I know with myself after using Florafibre product for the last 7 years, my immune system is extremely strong. Before starting to use this product, I used to always get sick. My sickness would usually last between 4 to 7 days with medication. Now I don't usually get sick, but if I do, my sickness only last 24 hours, without any medication.

If you would like to know more on how to get Herbalife's Florafibre to protect you over winter and beyond, please contact me on 0405 644 551.

Your Wellness Coach, Romeo Milan

Saturday 18 May 2013

DISEASE...Natural progression or Preventable?

Feeding your cells balanced nutrition

Something which I learnt today which I would like to share with everyone that is so vital to understand.

So why do humans get disease? Is disease just a way of life that we have to live with or is it something we can prevent?

You have to understand that your body is made up of approximately 1 trillion cells.

Each cell must have 114 nutrients every day.

The cells get these nutrients from the food you eat.

As you go through life, you have to make sure you give your cells all these nutrients every day to make sure they are healthy.

If these cells, over time, do not get all the nutrients that they need, they start to deplete.

There are 3 stages of Cellular Degeneration
Stage 1: Cell Depletion, This happens in the early stages of life through your teens and early adult life.
Stage 2: Deficiency, where you start feeling symptoms like lack of energy, illnesses and other signs of deficiency in nutrition
Stage 3: Dysfunction  which leads to disease that may include High Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, Diabetes, Kidney Failure, Heart Disease, Cancer.

It is quite important to understand that disease is not something you get suddenly, though its something that happens over time through not providing the cells of your body all the vital nutrients it needs.

A great reference to read up on all this information is from a book called "Health is Wealth" by Dr Lou Ignarro.

Dr Lou Ignarro is a Nobel Laureate in his research on heart disease. You can read more at www.HealthisWealth.net.

Dr Lou Ignarro works with Herbalife in providing the human body with 100% balanced nutrition through its cellular nutrition products.

I know through using the Herbalife products that I feel so much better compared to where I was before.

Some of the things that have improved:

  • Energy
  • No more Hayfever
  • No more Sinus
  • cold's and flu's are rare and last only 24 hours.
  • Skin, nails and hair are stronger
  • Lost 13.1 kg's in 14 weeks and keep it off for 7 years
Disease is definitely preventable. So load up yourself with the best nutrition through the Herbalife products.

Here is my tablet box or my health insurance against disease.

Anyone want to know more about  the Herbalife products either through better nutrition, more energy, weight loss & gain and any other health concerns, please contact me on 0405 644 551.